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The BEST Bunker Construction

Method in the World

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Green Tee improves Sycamore with Better Billy Bunker

Ft. Wayne, IN – Sycamore Hills Golf Club has just completed its complete renovation of their bunkers using the Better Billy Bunker method. The method, which is widely being used in the industry, requires a 2” layer of local stone and a spray on binder. Once the binder is applied to the local stone a firm and porous base results, creating superior drainage. Sand is then installed directly on top of the Better Billy Bunker and the bunker is ready for play. Because of the immense drainage Better Billy Bunkers eliminate washouts and contamination.

Certified installer, Green Tee Golf teamed up with Sanders Golf to complete the renovation. Working hand in hand to ensure that the elegant Jack Nicklaus design would be playable no matter the conditions. The course already known as one of the best has gotten even better.

For additional information on the Better Billy Bunker method and certified installer Green Tee Golf contact Earl Sanders at 901-233-5676.

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